Course curriculum

    1. Welcome from Elizabeth!

    2. What to Expect from this E-Course

    3. Interview with Elizabeth Stallone-Lowder and Suzanne MacDonald from GenM

    4. Managing Energy & Stress Level Grade: Pre-Self Assessment

    5. What is Self-Care and Letter from the Expert

    6. Before we begin...

    1. The Energy and Stress Connection Intro

    2. How You Experience Stress

    3. Identifying Your Stress Symptoms

    4. Body Map

    5. Identifying Your Stress Symptoms

    6. How you Cope with Stress

    7. Your Window of Tolerance

    8. Art Activity to De-Stress: Comfort Card

    9. Art Activity to De-Stress: Scribble Art

    10. Why Moms Are Miserable: Sheryl Zieglar VIDEO

    1. More resources for you

    2. Before you go...

    3. Energy & Stress Level Grade: Post Self Assessment

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